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There is a stoplight that I navigate just before the final stretch of road that leads to the turn-off toward our home in Canyon Country, Calif. The road is actually four lanes wide at that point, but as you head south, it quickly becomes two lanes. My wife and I have sat at this light on many occasions, anticipating the final mile of travel. The interesting thing is to witness how differently Debbie and I anticipate what will happen next, when the light turns green and the lanes merge on the other side of the intersection.

Debbie, ever the one who slows down for merging traffic, is clearly hoping that I will let the traffic to our right slide in front of us. I, on the other hand, have no such plans. This moment of confrontation is entirely why I purchased a “hemi” engine. I have hedged my bets to be the first one into the chute of these lanes converging into mine. I’ve even caught myself looking over at my competitor with a look that says, “Don’t even think about it!”

Where does that competitive drive come from? Are women and men wired so differently? Do you remember the book, Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus? That book seems to rationalize my behavior. Recently, as I was moving out rather briskly from a stop light near LAX, a dutiful policeman turned on his lights and pulled me over. After the usual question, “Do you know why I pulled you over?” the officer warned me and let me go. It took some time before I told Debbie. I was waiting for an, “I told you that was going to happen,” but she just smiled.

Rationalize your way through life if you want to, but I’m constantly reminded that God wants to challenge the “fallen” part of my life. He has committed Himself to press out the damaged part and to press in the transformational part! Is there anything you’d like to confess? I need to be more like Jesus, even if it means getting to the merged lane behind someone else. I can hardly believe I’m saying that, but confession is good for the soul!

“Now may the God of peace … make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight” -Hebrews 13:20,21 (NKJV)

By: Glenn Burris Jr., general supervisor