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Rising to 10,341 feet above sea level, Monserrate is a mountain that dominates the city center of Bogota, the capital city of Colombia. On this mountain, there is a 17th-century church built with a marble altar that was deeply carved with the symbols from the vision of Ezekiel 1, concerning the four faces of the cherubim—those of a man, a lion, an ox and an eagle.  

When I visited this impressive cathedral, I was immediately reminded of the foundational message that was preached in Oakland, Calif., by our founder, Aimee Semple McPherson, in 1922. In it, she described Ezekiel’s vision and confidently declared that his vision had prophesied the four compelling pillars of the coming ministry of Jesus Christ: that of Savior, Healer, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, and Soon-Coming King.

Savior: In the face of the man, Sister McPherson saw that Jesus took upon Himself the sins of the world so that we could be restored in our relationship with God.

Baptizer with the Holy Spirit: In the face of the lion, she saw this mighty king of the beasts, the “lion of the tribe of Judah,” as one who would constantly cause the flow of the Spirit to infill us with His power.

Healer: Sister McPherson saw in the face of the ox the burden bearer, the one who bears not only our sins and iniquities, but also our pains and sicknesses.

Soon-Coming King: She saw in the face of the eagle a sweeping downward without warning to retrieve His bride, as one exercising complete dominion over the earth.

These identity markers—framed by our movement’s present symbols of the cross, the dove, the cup and the crown—still connect a global movement that has exploded from one church in 1923 to nearly 70,000 today. Jesus declared in Matthew 16 that He would build a church that hell could not hold back. He would build that great church on the revelation of who He is.

In 2012, we invite you to take a journey with us through the gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Read a chapter a day from these eyewitness accounts, and you will cover the gospels each quarter. As you do, watch God rekindle in you the greatest story ever told.  

Each week, we will use our Foursquare Leader Prayer email to focus on the fourfold message of Jesus. That combination of reading, praying and focusing together will embolden and strengthen us as we advance the cause of the kingdom, to make disciples of all nations!  Let’s contend for a breakthrough year in 2012, both in our personal lives and families, and in our ministry assignments! 


By: Glenn Burris, president of The Foursquare Church

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