My favorite quote of recent date has been this one: “Spiritual strongholds cannot be broken by human strategies.” It reminds me of when Jesus responded to a question by the disciples of why He was able to initiate a miracle of deliverance and they could not. His response is found in Matthew 17:21: “This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting” (NKJV).

One thing age allows you to do is look back and see the exceptional times that God intervened on your behalf and on the behalf of others, and how every single time it was preceded by prayers of faith and sometimes even prayers of desperation. Even when Jesus talked about the abundant harvest, He referenced the need to pray to the Lord of the Harvest for laborers.

I learned recently about a Foursquare couple who had left New England for Wales to plant a church. Their efforts appeared unsuccessful at first. They were invited by a Baptist association there to shepherd a handful of people in a building in great disrepair. But the Lord brought renewal, and the Baptist association has now issued an invitation for more Foursquare missionaries to come and help shepherd dire situations and help bring renewal to their nation.

This is the same nation famously known as the seedbed of the Welsh Revival (1904-1905), which has been credited for sowing seed in the great Azusa Street Revival that started in 1906. Many trace the Welsh Revival to the 13 years of prayer by a young teenager named Evan Roberts.

Incredible opportunities are emerging everywhere. Iran is seeing a revival like never before, led by women, with no central organization and no buildings. Where will God move next? We know that the Spirit of God is moving across the globe. We know that prayer is our weapon against strongholds and our pathway to the miraculous.

We don’t know when and where God will move in ways that far exceed anything that we could generate. We do know that prayer is often the seedbed for the miraculous.

In these days, people are setting aside doctrinal divides to unite together on a mission to reach the lost with the Good News of Jesus Christ. The very place where God sent a revival that eventually touched the United States is now being blessed by the fruits of that revival returning to their land. Across Europe, Foursquare is seeing a move like never before. Debbie and I were recently at a youth movement event in Portugal, where our young Foursquare European leaders were calling forth a renewal led by praise, prayer and the prophetic.

We don’t know when and where God will move in ways that far exceed anything that we could generate. We do know that prayer is often the seedbed for the miraculous. We also know that God declared, “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jer. 29:13). We are seeking Him together for the greatest outpouring in our lifetime. And as the famous quote from the Lausanne Committee states, it will take “the whole church taking the whole gospel to the whole world.”

This statement is the foundation for this year’s annual 21 Days of Prayer + Fasting. In partnership with our theme for next year, “Compelled by Jesus,” we are coming together to pray to the Lord of the Harvest for even greater days of outreach and souls coming into the kingdom of God than ever before. Along with 21 potent daily devotionals by voices from around Foursquare, each week we will include an article by a respected Foursquare elder, giving doctrinal background and insight into evangelism and activating the whole church.

Join us for these 21 days beginning Jan. 1, 2020, as we contend for the greatest outpouring heaven has sent in our lifetime. This event will take place in English and in Spanish, and many Foursquare friends from around the world are expected to join in this powerful time.