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James Craft, national director of Foursquare NextGen Ministries, has been appointed as senior pastor of Sonrise Foursquare Church in Simi Valley, Calif. He will serve both positions concurrently until a replacement to oversee our NextGen Ministries is announced. James and his wife, Teri, have sensed the call of God on their lives for pastoral ministry and have been waiting for the Lord’s release to move into this new season of leadership.

Glenn Burris Jr., general supervisor of The Foursquare Church, offered gratitude for the enormous contributions James has made to the children, youth and young adults of our Foursquare family during his tenure as national director of NextGen Ministries. “James served in this national role part-time while leading a thriving youth ministry in Northern California. Then, he was willing to follow God’s leading to assume the director role full-time and has done a remarkable job moving us forward as a movement,” Glenn said.

Releasing the next generation of ministers and leaders to fruitful ministry was among the three major themes of Foursquare Connection ’09, the recently concluded Foursquare annual convention in Anaheim, Calif. “The prospect of ministry is wide open to everyone in The Foursquare Church regardless of age, ethnicity or gender.” affirmed Foursquare president, Pastor Jack Hayford.

“We are grateful for the leadership and testimony of James and Teri Craft,” Pastor Jack said, “and we know that the congregation in Simi Valley will benefit as we have from their passion for the Lord and for His people.”

The Foursquare board of directors in partnership with our National Church leadership and the NextGen team are prayerfully moving toward the announcement of James’ successor, and the appointment is expected in the coming weeks.