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One of the most dramatic stories in all of history has to do with the exodus of the nation of Israel from the land of Egypt. As they were being led into the wilderness by Moses, remembering the promise of God to take them to a land where they would be a blessing to other nations, they encountered a major obstacle called the Red Sea. It would be the first of two encounters with bodies of water. In this encounter, they would desperately need the hand of God to deliver them. He did.
Then they arrived at another body of water after 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. This was the bank of the Jordan River. But this time, Israel was led into a different season. They didn’t need deliverance; what they needed was to have the gift of faith to arise in them to possess all that God had for them. In this Promised Land, a land flowing with milk and honey, they would be blessed to be a blessing.
But that future could only be realized by their stepping into the river. They had to demonstrate and exercise the kind of faith that would be required for them to embrace their destiny. Two bodies of water and two distinct seasons led to a future that only God could have arranged.
As The Foursquare Church steps into its Reimagined future, I feel that it is time for us to possess our future. The various aspects of our movement are coming together. Our global family is united by common values; our education and training systems are ready to go; our district and national structures have been solidified; and our finances are in order.
We are returning to a focus on the local church mission of discipling leaders and planting communities of faith; and we are embracing and practicing our Spirit-empowered legacy as we accept our individual and mutual responsibility to help finish the Great Commission.
There is much more land to possess and conquer, but I feel like we have stepped into the Jordan River and have declared that we will not retreat and will not turn back. We are ready to conquer the enemy and take mountains. We will walk in courage and boldness to possess every place that God has given us.
It’s our time. Let’s embrace this season and allow God to show us the miraculous things that He can work for us and through us.
How You Can Pray
What does 2015 hold for you? Ask God to widen your sphere of influence, to radiate through everything you say and do and to allow you to fulfill the Great Commission in the coming year. Praying with us? Include what you are praying for in a comment below.
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