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Inspiration has been defined as the seed of change in ones life. It is the impetus which causes courage to rise up in a person and reach beyond that which they or anyone else believed possible.
Unfortunately, most people miss the moment of inspiration which has the potential to change their life from one of pleasant existence to that which possesses the ability to transform the world around them. There are a few, however, that are able to sense the importance of a moment and seize it. For all of us there are God-ordained moments in our life when we are faced with a kingdom moment. It is the time when we have the opportunity to say yes to the King and see great things happen in and through us. The problem is that so often that moment seems to fly in the face of our beliefs, attitudes and values. It is also the case that what we are led to do seems to get in the way of our plans for our life.
A little over two thousand years ago there was a young Hebrew girl. She wasn’t much different than most young girls her age. She had friends and family that loved her. She had a plan for her life. She was soon to be married. Yes, she had plans. But one day she was faced with a divine moment that challenged her beliefs and seemed sure to mess up all her plans.
You know the story, Mary was going about her daily business when all of a sudden in comes the angel Gabriel. As if having an angel show up in her living room one day wasn’t enough to rattle her cage, he then has life changing news for her.
He told her she was “favored” of God and that she was going to have a child. Not just any child, this baby was going to be the Son of the Most High and He would reign over the house of Jacob forever! Well, that’s pretty heavy stuff for a young girl to have to deal with. But her response was one of humble acquiescence. She received the promise of God for her life. As outlandish as it was there was a divine inspiration that took hold of her heart. She was able to see a possibility outside of the realm of her ability but within the realm of God’s limitless power. The seed of the promise gave rise to an affirmation of faith and then to a courageous act. All of these things working in this young lady culminated with the birth of the Savior of the world. Yes, the world was transformed by the humble obedience of a young girl.
In this holiday season I pray your heart is open to the seeds of promise that God wants to sow into your life. As you approach 2007 I pray your spirit is full of expectancy of all the wonderful things God wants to do in your life and ministry. I pray your soul is ripe with the courage that is born in heaven and released in the obedient and humble life of one that does not question how God can do something in you. I pray that your response to the Holy Spirit will be, “Be it unto me according you your word.” Remember, it will always start out as a small word that most people dismiss as unbelievable. But when given the chance, something life-changing and that will impact the world around you and even beyond you will come forth.
May God’s grace and strength keep you in all your ways.