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His name was Joshua, a soft-spoken man from Indiana who taught his four sons how to farm. He read scripture and poetry to them every night by a coal lamp. There was no indoor plumbing, no electricity and very little money. But the godly character he deposited into his kids was something money couldn’t buy or provide. All four sons grew up to be teachers. One went on to teach and coach. His name is John and he ended up being the basketball coach with the most wins of all-time. John Wooden, UCLA’s men’s basketball coach had a humble beginning and in spite of his success, remains a gentle, kind man.

Solomon shouts aloud that honor follows humility and destruction follows pride. Trusting God with your future can be a hand wringing exercise. But not trusting Him with your future is certain to bring you what you never wanted… your will instead of His! Whether you have a little or a lot, give it to Him. He is trustworthy; just ask John!

By: Glenn Burris Jr., general supervisor