There’s an old hymn by Fanny Crosby that begins with the words: “Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it! Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.”

The word “redemption” means “to buy back.” It is the liberation of any possession, object or person, usually by payment of a ransom. You can find this thread of redemption all through the gospels. Matt. 20:28 says Jesus came “to give His life a ransom for many” (NKJV). He gave His life to redeem us.

As I read through the gospels, I am continually reminded that in every situation Jesus encountered, He had a redemptive solution. When Jesus encountered a blind eye, He redeemed it back to sight. When Jesus encountered a deaf ear, He redeemed it back to hearing. When Jesus encountered someone possessed, He liberated them, redeemed them from the demonic hold upon them. When Jesus entered the temple and cleansed it, He redeemed it back to a “house of prayer” (Matt. 21:12-13).

I am being challenged daily, not only to study scripture to find solutions to the different situations I encounter, but also to take the time to pray and ask my Father: “What would You have me do or say that could introduce Your heart for redemption in this matter? And how can I redeem this relationship, conversation or problem?”

Prayer Points

Personal Prayer

  1. Read Ephesians 5:1-21. How are you “redeeming the time” as Paul instructs us to do (v.15)?
  2. As you read the gospels, ask the Father to re-introduce you to the redemptive solutions Jesus presented in each particular situation.
  3. Think about the many different things you need answers for right now, and ask the Father to show you His heart for redemption in those particular matters.

Foursquare Focus

  1. We lift up the Kami community in Nepal for redemption. Father, please grant at least one opportunity for each person to hear accurately who Jesus is.
  2. Ask the Lord to bless the March 5-6 meeting of the executive committee of the Global Council, as well as the inaugural meeting of the Global Council’s Discipleship Task Force on March 7 in Los Angeles.

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