At times, we get bombarded by situations around the world, and I have been deeply moved by a situation in East Africa. There, 20 million people are literally starving to death, many of whom are our own Foursquare brothers and sisters.

In fact, in almost every situation around the world where there is a disaster, it is often the Christians who show up first and give an opportunity for the gospel doors to be opened. Now, it is time for intervention from the Christian community around the world.

The Foursquare Church’s response to this East Africa starvation crisis is called Project Nourish. We are responding right now through Foursquare Disaster Relief (FDR) and through partnership with local Foursquare churches and leaders across South Sudan, Kenya and Uganda.

In East Africa, our own Foursquare people are on the ground. Some are already there in these countries, delivering food, and they are waiting for our response to be able to help deliver more food aid and hope to people who are desperate.

Also, our Foursquare people aren’t only helping those in need. Many are experiencing this crisis personally, as well. Right now, a quarter of the 275,000 people in Bidi Bidi, the largest refugee camp in Uganda, are Foursquare church members who fled for their lives from violence and conflict in South Sudan. In this refugee camp, people only eat once every three days.

This summer, my encouragement to you is to get directly involved in Project Nourish, and you can do this through FDR. Be a part of God’s answer to this crisis.

Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Donate now. Text “4relief” to 77977. Or donate online. From that page online, select the option to “Donate to International Relief.” Then, on your secure giving page, select “Project Nourish.”
  2. Pray for wisdom and protection for Foursquare leaders as they minister in East Africa. Pray for believers in refugee camps to be empowered to be a witness to others.
  3. Download the Project Nourish Action Kit. In it, you’ll find a letter from Foursquare leaders and resources to equip your church, including kids’ activities, family-oriented fundraising ideas and more.
  4. Receive bulletin inserts mailed to your U.S. church. Sign up now to take action and spread the message of Project Nourish.

Join with us to make a difference this summer. Be part of God’s answer, and bring food and the hope of the gospel to our Foursquare family in East Africa.