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Because of the force of the prompting I felt when the Lord first gave me this word some time ago and the recent reminder of its significance today, I have felt I should relay it in this written form. I do not normally do this fearing lest anyone ever foolishly suppose a temporal “word” of prophecy (1 Corinthians 14:3, 5) be misconstrued as a substitute for the eternal Word of God—the Bible (Ps. 119:89). Nonetheless, in the spirit of His Word which gives the gifts of such “words” (1 Corinthians 12:7, 10), I submit this for your edification.

Listen, oh listen, My child, for the Lord would speak to you concerning the season of your struggle; the season of your heartbreak.

He would speak to you, not as the designer of your difficulty, but as the Refiner—who has, more than you know, superintended this season of your pain.

Do not misunderstand, child. I have not been the cause of this, but listen well—I AM the cure! And I am speaking to you that you may understand.

Though the struggle seems long, there not only was never a moment that I have been absent; there has never been a moment that the outcome has been in question.

Do you think because the Evil One, your adversary, is stronger than you—that he and I are near-equal opponents?

Hear this, My child: Because you struggle with his assault, do you think I am threatened by his advances? Never!

Hear Me: The battle is for your blessing, that you might learn My power and love toward you.

Again, hear it: I did not create your warfare. It has been the product of either your own heart or of your dark enemy—He begets this pain by his calculated efforts at your destruction. You beget these struggles in your stumbling moments of confusion.

But while the cause of this strife is not from My hands, the resolution of it in your interest is!

Hear Me, says the Lord: The battle is not yours, it is the LORD’s! Because you are Mine, it has been decided before it began.

Lift up your eyes and behold the greatness of your God. Look! Look again! Your Defender is not as a mere man. I am not a human parent seeking to stop a bully who has engaged you in a street fight.

Your Father is GOD MOST HIGH. Your adversary’s title is but Lord of the Flies—but I am the Sovereign Lord of the Universe—commander of the angel hosts of heaven!

Hear it, My child—the victory is secure, and has been from the beginning! Fight the good fight in this faith: though the battle seems long, the outcome is sure.

I AM the Eternal God, your Savior.

You are My child, secure forever!

Wear the armor of this confidence in joy.

The battle is not yours, but God’s, and He has come to assure you afresh: “The God of peace shall crush Satan under your feet shortly.” (Romans 16:20)

Rejoice and give thanks! The LORD Jehovah is your KING!!