As I read through the Gospels and Acts, I am struck by the fact that everywhere Jesus or His disciples spoke, people were filled with awe and joy. They could not get enough of the Holy Spirit and the life-giving words spoken over them.
Acts 8:13 shares that Simon, on hearing the gospel, “believed and was baptized. And he followed Philip everywhere, astonished by the great signs and miracles he saw” (NIV).
Acts 8:4-8 says the believers who had been scattered “preached the word wherever they went” (v.4) and “paid close attention to what [Philip] said” (v.6). “So there was great joy in that city” (v.8).
I envision the church of today communicating to our communities that pay close attention. I hunger for this same interaction and response of amazement. As leaders, let’s model our ministry after Jesus, the disciples and Paul, and strive to bring “great joy” to our cities.
This Week’s Prayer Focus [5 in 5]
Personal Prayer
1. Jesus, open the hearts and eyes of those who hear the message of Your gospel. Let all who hear be awestruck and filled with Your joy.
2. Lord, give me the words to say to bring people to You, that they may hunger for You, thirst for You and never get enough of You.
3. Jesus, have Your Holy Spirit anoint each message we teach, so that others are forever transformed by You.
Foursquare Focus
4. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to work in power in Foursquare churches, and in the hearts of those in our communities. Let us draw people in with the love of Christ.
5. Foursquare Missions International’s Field Intensive Training begins today and extends through July 20. Please lift up those who would serve The Foursquare Church as missionaries.
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