In John 21, we see the disciples in the midst of uncertainty. Simon Peter decides, “I am going fishing” (v. 3, ESV). Did I hear that right? Fishing? To me “fishing” screams, “I need to escape!” But God was still at work.

Breaks and rest are good—taking a break is even a Commandment. But I want to speak to those who are preaching, leading and praying, yet mentally they have “gone fishing.” Those who are physically present, but just going through the motions. We can feel so overwhelmed with circumstances that we sometimes end up on autopilot. It’s like a computer with too many windows open at once: It shuts down.

Oftentimes, when I find myself drifting mentally, I know I need to be realigned to the “why” of ministry.

In John 21, the resurrected Jesus told Peter and the disciples to cast out their nets again (v. 6). To me, this was Jesus saying: “Get back on mission! Don’t forget why you started this journey in the first place.” The desire to escape often points to a heart that needs to be reconnected to the Great Commission.

Let’s “go therefore” and re-engage with the mission and work of Jesus.

Prayer + Reflection

  1. Pray and ask God to show you the areas in your life where you find you’ve “gone fishing.”
  2. Invite God to give you fresh eyes and fresh vision into any void places in your heart.
  3. Seek God for new desires and new passion for the old work of making disciples, even in times of uncertainty.
  4. Remember to lift up FMI workers in prayer, particularly those starting a Bible school in Jamaica, and those serving in Sahara Africa and South America.

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