“Dark, without form and empty” not only describes my Easter sermon’s current condition—under construction—but it also describes the beginning in Genesis.
It is also the world that some soon-to-be followers of Christ will spring out of this weekend right in your midst, as they learn about Jesus.
In the worst and darkest time and place, the Holy Spirit was there, hovering, waiting to move—and then: light!
You might feel weak today, or inadequate as a pastor or Christ-follower, but do not worry; take heart! Easter is coming, and God’s best work is there in our weakness. My best personal stories of God’s miracles are in times of chaos, darkness or when I’d dropped the ball. Do not worry. The Spirit is hovering over you, ready to move, and God is also at work all around you.
As churches prepare their stages, God is setting His big stage. Behind the scenes, He is already at work in dark and empty hearts, moving circumstances, giving dreams and scheduling divine appointments of simple contact with Christ-followers. It’s going to be awesome!
This Week’s Prayer Focus [5 in 5]
Personal Prayer
1. Pray this week believing that the Holy Spirit will set the stage as He works behind the scenes in dreams, divine encounters and simple, personal contact.
2. Pray for our pastors who are preaching, that God would give them words of life and light.
3. Pray for the people God will bring to church on Easter, and that His light would “shine out of darkness” (2 Cor 4:6, NKJV).
Foursquare Focus
4. Pray for willing hearts to have the faith to go and disciple unreached people groups in all the world.
5. Pray the Dzakhchin people won’t be overlooked as Christian workers take the gospel throughout Mongolia.
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