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One evening, as I drove home, I saw a pastor leaning on a construction fence looking down at the concrete forms in place for the concrete pour. The church he pastored was in the midst of a faith-filled building project.
I pulled over and went to speak to him. As I approached, his smile broadened to a toothy grin. I spoke with him briefly and offered congratulations on the progress of the building.
As I drove away, I felt a nudge. You know that nudge.
Our church was beginning to grow after a very difficult start. We finally had a little in the bank. There was a resounding, “Yes let’s do it,” when I shared with the church council about the nudge I had felt.
Two decades later, as I was preparing a message on giving, that memory came to my mind. And then I heard this question: “What do you think that would look like today?” I have to be honest—I became very nervous with what the Lord was asking of me.
The other church was in a building project again, and we were saving for one ourselves. But I went to the council and explained what I believed the Lord was asking us to do. No one hesitated.
The next morning, I headed down the street with a check. I went to the executive pastor’s office and told him the story behind my visit. He told me that he had just had a call from the bank telling him that construction would have to stop until the church raised more money. My eyes filled with tears as he told me that the check I gave him would enable them to continue the building project.
A few months later, we were in the process of raising an enormous amount of money. I had lunch with a man who had offered to contribute, but I was amazed by what he told me—that he was going to give $1million toward the building project.
Two weeks later, as I started to thank him again for his generosity, he interrupted me. Because of God’s blessing on his life, he felt that he was to give another $1million.
Do I believe our generosity was connected to the generosity shown us? Absolutely! A number of times through the years I’ve seen generosity give greed a black eye and open the windows of heaven.
What are you holding onto? You will never have enough to do what God is asking you to do.
Will you make a fresh affirmation to the Lord that all you have is His? I believe that, as you do so, He will multiply your resources. He will provide all you need to accomplish what He has asked you to do.
“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously” (2 Cor. 9:6, NIV).
How You Can Pray
What are you holding onto in hopes that God will make it enough? Ask God to show you how you can give and share what you have with others. Trust Him to provide for the needs of you and your church. Praying with us? Include what you are praying for in a comment below.