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Sometimes God’s greatest grace is found in our greatest disappointments.

In Acts 4:32-35, grace was found in the exuberant generosity of the early church. After receiving the power of the Holy Spirit, the early church went from timid, selfish and powerless to extraordinarily generous and able to do supernatural acts.

When my family moved to San Diego with no team, no relationships, and little money, I was reminded of the early church. The gift of grace did not come as we expected. People and money began to flow into the church. Lives were being changed in a real way. Then, just six months later, my 6-year-old daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. This had been my greatest fear: passing on to her a disease I have battled my whole life. Our hearts were shattered.

Within days, our new church was carrying us through our shock. Texts and notes of encouragement were read tearfully. We were recipients of God’s great grace through our new community.

Embrace His grace and generosity today, however it may come. If you are facing great disappointment, continue in the grace of our Father, who will turn your brokenness into His redemption on display!

This Week’s Prayer Focus [5 in 5]

Personal Prayer
1. Jesus, we empty ourselves to be full of Your power and grace. Lead and direct us, Holy Spirit, as You intersect our lives with the broken and needy people in our cities.
2. Jesus, we acknowledge that You alone stir the heart of Your church. Create in us great expectation and faith to build Your kingdom through generosity.
3. Jesus, we declare that You reign and rule today in our families, cities and churches. Today we will declare Your greatness to the nations.
Foursquare Focus
4. Pray for more than 200 people in the pipeline preparing to launch as missionaries or church planters, both in the U.S. and internationally.
5. Pray for the Turkmen people in Turkmenistan to have full freedom of religion in their country, so that they may worship safely as they choose.

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is the senior pastor of Soul Church (San Diego Soul Foursquare Church) in San Diego.