In the 19th century, the phrase “hot mess” referred to a hot meal. Today, the term applies to someone whose life is an attractional disaster.

What I want to tell you is that whether that is you, or someone you know and love, Jesus doesn’t care how the mess started, or who is responsible for it. Some people have such a tragic history that it’s no wonder they have a hard time getting it together. Others seem to receive everything, yet they squander each opportunity.

Jesus is concerned with setting people free from the entanglements that keep them from experiencing abundant life. He wants to release you and others from the pain and damaging effects of living life in a mess—trapped in a vicious cycle.

I’m praying for us to be grace-bearers. May we all experience grace in our time of need and become messengers of freedom for those trapped in their messes.

Reflect + Pray

1. What part of your life feels “messy” right now? Spend some time in prayer giving up the parts that are out of your control and asking the Lord to lead you to change what you can.

2. Ask God how you can share the freedom that He offers to those in your community mired in “mess.”

3. Pray for the Foursquare board of directors, who will conduct intensive meetings this week; ask the Lord to guide our church’s leaders in wisdom.

4. Pray for Foursquare chaplains, and download the monthly prayer guide here.

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