This article is archived. Some links and details throughout the article may no longer be active or accurate.
Foursquare ministers have until Dec. 31, 2008 to take advantage of a half-price rate for online, video-on-demand leadership courses taught by pastor Wayne Cordeiro through Pacific Rim Bible College. Each of the four classes (Creative Communication, Senior Pastor of the 21st Century, Team Building and Life Skills) is available to pastors and Christian leaders for just $99 until the end of the year, and for $149 through Jan. 31, 2009.
Continuing education units and a certificate of accomplishment are awarded upon the completion of each of the four courses. Midterms and final exams are taken online. More information on these courses is available online.
Leaders of Foursquare ministry institutes, as well as churches considering starting an institute and other interested parties, should plan to attend “Mission Timothy: Discipleship in Ministry Training,” the 2009 Ministry Institute Symposium to be held March 10-12 at Life Pacific College in San Dimas, Calif. The registration fee is $100. A registration form may be downloaded online. For more information, contact Kaity Cirrincione at 213-989-4530 or