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It’s difficult to imagine the vastness of the Pakistan flood crisis, but the United Nations reported this week that 15 million people were affected by the disaster. At least 1,600 deaths have been reported in the worst flooding the nation has seen in 80 years and more than 1 million people are homeless. This is the kind of crisis that boggles the human mind and drives us to our knees asking God to reach and help people.

Foursquare Relief and Compassion (FRC), a ministry of Foursquare Missions International (FMI), is working with interim Foursquare Pakistan National Leader, Haroon Bhatti in the relief effort. Foursquare Area Missionary Wayne (last name withheld) is working closely with Pastor Bhatti as we mobilize resources to serve the needs on the ground.
Your prayers and financial support are greatly needed as we pursue the following three objectives:

Relief for 20 Villages

The flood destroyed crops that were the source of food for many of the local people. FRC hopes to raise $250,000 and coordinate local teams to provide food, water, and emergency shelter for 20,000 families of the flood survivors in 20 villages.

Serve the Nation of Pakistan

Foursquare Pakistan has a powerful vision to serve the people of their nation. Pray for relief workers there as the Taliban has a strong influence and, according to a CNN report, is trying to pressure the Pakistan government to reject outside financial aid from the U.S.

Demonstrate Jesus’ Love

Pastor Bhatti and the teams he oversees in Pakistan are providing aid to people as a demonstration of Jesus’ love. The need is great and we must trust the Lord as He helps us touch lives in practical ways.

How to Pray

· Pray that the floods recede and for people to return home and begin rebuilding their lives.
· Pray that people in need will receive help.
· Pray for many to experience the love of Jesus through works of relief and compassion.
· Pray for Pastor Bhatti as he leads our relief efforts in Pakistan; pray for favor with the government and with other organizations.
· Ask the Lord to move on people’s hearts in Pakistan, and in other nations, to serve the millions of affected people.
· Pray for our local Foursquare pastors and missionaries-that they will be safe as they serve in this great time of need.

How to Give

Three ways you can give to our cause:

  • Online
  • Mail to FMI, P.O. Box 26776, Los Angeles, CA 90026-0176
  • Text “PAK,” along with a pledge amount and your church’s name, to 27138 on your cell phone; you will receive a reply letting you know the simple process of completing your donation with a debit/credit card