This article is archived. Some links and details throughout the article may no longer be active or accurate.
Houston ’08 is not “an event.” It will be an encounter.
This is no ordinary season—the Lord is making that clear!
And this is no ordinary time—our world is changing—fast!
So my note is to “reach and embrace”—to gently yet passionately urge each pastor and local team to do everything possible to be at convention, May 26-29.
I’m praying for 3 things:
- for God’s provision and blessing to enable your presence
- for His presence and voice to manifest among us
- for the Spirit’s love and fellowship to bond us and bless us—uniquely, profoundly—together!
There’s reason for expectancy! We’re gathering “unto Jesus,” under the theme: “The Unchanging Christ and the Unshakable Kingdom.” Sobered by the times and summoned by the Spirit, let’s come to seek and receive God’s “visiting grace” upon us.
Don’t lose touch with the family—we all need Him and we all need each other!
It’s not too late to register. Hotel availability and convention registration can be viewed online.