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Foursquare Missions Press (FMP), which started in a garage in 1981, recently celebrated its 35th anniversary of serving the harvest, and reached a momentous milestone.
FMP print operations
Over 200 million pieces of gospel materials have come from FMP and been distributed to missionaries and churches who serve some of the hardest to reach places around the world.
During a presentation at Foursquare Connection 2016 in Honolulu, Cheyne Jackson, associate director of FMP, said, “We believe that the field knows what the field needs.” To that end, literature and resources not only are printed by FMP, but also created from scratch by the team and delivered in ever-innovative forms.
Learn more about the history of FMP, the incredible success of the Children’s Gospel Box, and how the Mobile Missions Press and Talking Tracts will further impact the harvest with the Good News of Jesus Christ, by watching this informative presentation from Foursquare Connection 2016.