Foursquare’s Center for Spiritual Renewal in Virginia (CSR-East) has served as the connection point during an interim period—while structures and systems are put in place—for complaints and reports of leadership abuse. This includes monitoring and responding discreetly to all emails that come in to Since 2015, Paul Kuzma has provided oversight to CSR-East. As the need for care, counseling and support has increased, the scope of responsibilities and care has expanded to the point that Paul’s current pace and plate are beyond reasonable for any one person to sustain.

He will continue to focus on providing counseling and care to Foursquare pastors and leaders along with Robby Booth (CSR-West). Paul will also keep stewarding the budding Caregiver Collaborative, a resource of counselors, coaches, therapists and spiritual directors—women and men—available throughout the U.S. as part of the established and ongoing provision of care to Foursquare ministers. All of Paul’s other duties, including those related to the Safeguarding Team and processing intake for leadership abuse complaints and reports, will be assigned to Dan Mundt. Dan is a longtime staff member, former district supervisor and a current member of the Safeguarding Team. Dan is very involved in shaping and serving Foursquare’s leadership culture, including the areas of ethics reviews. 

Dan and Senior Director of Ministry Operations Ric Guerra will oversee the email account for This email address is available to those who believe they have experienced abuse from a Foursquare leader and want to share a personal story and/or report a complaint. Until now, for the interim period of this new reporting mechanism, this email account was being monitored by Paul Kuzma (CSR-East) and Foursquare’s general counsel, Josh Best. 

The Foursquare Church is committed to leading in the way of Jesus with humility, integrity and mercy, and to stewarding power to protect, provide for and empower others. 

To stay up to date on communication regarding our journey toward health, free of leadership abuse, visit