I’m writing to share with you an update about the situation in Myanmar, Southeast Asia. As some of you know, Myanmar’s national elections were held in November 2020. It was a contentious election that resulted in disputes that have continued to escalate.

In February of this year, the military alleged election fraud and staged a coup. They’ve declared a yearlong state of emergency, claiming that they will hold a “free and fair” election once the emergency is over.

Protests over the coup have been widespread, with millions taking to the streets. More than 60 people have been killed, and as of today, there are many living in fear as the country’s unrest continues to grow.

Will you please join us in prayer for Myanmar?

  • Pray with us for peace. We ask God to end the violence.
  • Pray for the church in Myanmar. At present, there are 95 Foursquare churches in Myanmar and reports from our people there confirm that the danger and fear are real.
  • Pray for safety for the people of Myanmar. There are many who are afraid to leave their homes, and there is mounting concern about the future.
  • Pray for God to provide for people’s needs. Prices have already doubled as a result of limited movement and trade, so food and supplies are increasingly difficult to acquire.

Foursquare pastors have provided food and supplies for their communities in need, and people have come to Christ even in the midst of such hardship.

Foursquare Disaster Relief is working with Myanmar Foursquare leaders to distribute resources of food and basic needs, but we need your help to keep this going. Would you partner with us and stand with our brothers and sisters in Myanmar?

Give to Foursquare Disaster Relief online, or text “4 relief” to 77977.