Swetha’s life in the island nation of Fiji was simple, but secret bondage threatened her future with unimaginable results. She needed Jesus. Like others in her village, she worshiped idols at shrines in the family home and openly welcomed demonic activity that she thought would bring her happiness. No one ever told Swetha that Jesus Christ could give her what she craved. Pursuing demons and idols appeared the only way.
Last year, Swetha began to experience unexplained physical symptoms. She vomited blood and suffered severe hallucinations. Medical doctors said some form of mental illness might be behind the extreme symptoms. They had no physiological diagnosis for her condition.
Swetha sat unconscious for hours, often after she had seen the image of a giant man in recurring hallucinations. Her family became desperate for answers and used all their money to pay multiple witch doctors to heal the young woman. Still, she suffered.
Swetha’s mother heard about Pastor John Dinesh Chand, the national leader of Foursquare Fiji, who prayed for hopeless people tormented by demons. My wife, Danielle, and I serve with Pastor John as Foursquare Missions International workers, and he asked us to visit the family and pray for God’s deliverance.

When we arrived, Swetha’s family was happy to see us. The spiritual forces of darkness tormenting Swetha were not so happy. As we prayed for Swetha, demons began to manifest, and we took authority in the name of Jesus, declaring freedom for her and commanding the demons to leave. As we prayed, demons fled, and Swetha began to tear at rope bracelets she wore on her wrists. She tried in vain to break them and free her wrists, and at first we did not realize the significance of the bracelets.
“I want to be free!” Swetha cried out.
As we prayed for Swetha, demons began to manifest, and we took authority in the name of Jesus, declaring freedom for her and commanding the demons to leave.
I used my pocket knife to cut her free. Later, we discovered that the bracelets were part of a Hindu practice that in Swetha’s life had a direct connection with the demonic activity and the bondage she had experienced.

We shared the gospel, and Swetha received Jesus Christ as her personal savior. The manifestations of evil were gone, the ropes from her wrists were torn away, and Swetha was a born-again child of God.
When it was time for us to leave, Swetha’s grandmother touched my arm and asked if she could receive Jesus as her Savior, too. We were more than happy to lead her to Christ.
Where shrines to false gods once stood and demons destroyed lives, today Swetha’s family hosts neighbors to worship Jesus Christ.
Pastor John and his wife, Ruth, ministered to Swetha and welcomed her family into their church. The family was saved and baptized in water. They destroyed the idols and the shrines in their home.
Where shrines to false gods once stood and demons destroyed lives, today Swetha’s family hosts neighbors to worship Jesus Christ. The testimony of her deliverance spread to extended family in a village where outside influence has always been discouraged. A church is now being established there, and other Fijians are finding hope, happiness and deliverance in Christ.