“We will relate to each other with love in our global Family. We acknowledge that relationships are the heart of God’s kingdom and will extend grace to fellow believers through ministry, cooperation and mutual submission in our global church.” —Foursquare’s Global Distinctives

Our Foursquare Church is a global family. We may look different and have different customs, but we are part of one kingdom, and we serve one Lord. As we receive God’s grace and extend it to one another, we can become instruments through whom God’s redeeming grace can be known throughout the world.

What would I do without my family? They have been my go-to-place when I have felt lost; they are my biggest fans; they are my greatest reason for moving forward.

It isn’t any wonder why God said: “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him” (Gen. 2:18, NLT). We really are much better people when we are surrounded by others; we need family, friends and neighbors. Just as God chose the perfect family for me, He chose many family members in the body of Christ who have become very important in my life.

I have been in ministry for more than 20 years. I first worked alongside my fiancée, and we have now labored together as husband and wife for 20 years. We have had the privilege of working with amazing people who have been great mentors in our personal lives and ministry.

Many have invested in us as a family and as ministers in The Foursquare Church. I still have much to learn, but I know without a doubt that I would not be where I am today if it weren’t for so many who have become so important in my life.

I highly value family, and not just people related to me by blood or marriage. I also value people in ministry, men and women of all backgrounds and cultures, to whom I have become connected—almost in a divine way.

Growing up in Nicaragua and moving to the U.S. when I was 16 years old, I never thought I would come to know so many people from so many different places, people that I now consider my family. Pastors, leaders, volunteers, elders, teachers, co-workers and simply servants of God who are now part of my family circle. I thank God for every person with whom I have had any connection.

The people who are now part of my life and my world play an important role in my life, ministry and job. I refer to them as family because I end up spending so much time with them, learning from them, growing with them and serving with them.

I like to see this as the vine and the branches Jesus talked about. Surely there has to be more than one branch connected to the vine, if not so, then it wouldn’t be a fruitful vine. I’m a much better branch, a much better person and a much better leader when I’m connected to the vine and to other branches; I bear more fruit that way.

God could have left Adam all alone and let him try to enjoy everything all by himself, but how sad it would have been for him. Instead, God created another being who was right for Adam and made him complete.

When Jesus ended His earthly ministry and entrusted the spread of the gospel to His disciples, He chose people who did not seem to have much in common—except that they were connected by the same passion and vision. They served the same Lord and received the same commission.

We need people who will walk alongside us, laugh with us, cry with us and serve with us. We are one body, and we need one another to fulfill God’s call in our lives. We were not made to function alone; we were made for family and community.

Family is forever, and it’s not limited to lineage. Family is also made up of the people God has brought into our lives to allow us to reach higher than we can by ourselves.

The Global Distinctives, agreed on by nearly 240 leaders at the 2012 Global Summit, are six unifying principles that bind our whole Foursquare family in doctrine and culture.

Read more stories on how people live out our Foursquare Global Distinctives.