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Many times I have felt like I don’t have the resources to accomplish what God has called me to do in my church. The roof leaks, and the air conditioner is broken. We need more programs than we have people to staff. What am I to do?
How do I become a multiplier of my talents? Jesus’ parable of servants who had been entrusted with talents to steward is recorded in Matt. 25.
Both of the servants who invested their talents at a return received the following commendation: “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord” (v. 21). But the outcome was far different for the one servant who buried his talent rather than risk losing what he had.
Each of the servants had been given resources; each received at least one talent, which was equivalent to about 15 years’ worth of wages. That amount of money indicates that the master was extravagant in the resources he gave to his servants.
When I apply this parable to myself, I realize that the Lord has given me an abundance of what I need to fulfill what He has called me to do where He has placed me. The issue is my perspective.
I heard a story about a Florsheim shoe salesperson in the early 1800s who went out West. After only a few months, he returned with the complaint that no one wore shoes. The next salesperson who went out West became one of the company’s leading salespeople. Why? He saw that people were not wearing shoes. It’s all about how you view the circumstances in which you find yourself.
The one-talent steward maintained what he had; he did not maximize the master’s investment. Like the one-talent steward, I can operate in fear and worry, refusing to take a risk. Or I can step out in faith as I hear the Lord’s voice leading me to maximize my labors in His kingdom.
When I step out into new areas, I am taking a risk. In other words, faith is spelled R-I-S-K. If I am not taking a risk, I am not operating fully in faith; instead, I am burying my talent.
What are you doing with the talents God has given you? Are you taking a risk or playing it safe, hoping that when the Master returns you haven’t lost anything?
Are you allowing God to multiply the resources He has given you? Pray that He will give you bravery and boldness when it comes to using your talents, whatever they may be! Praying with us? Include what you are praying for in a comment below.