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Good News Bears Club is a discipleship ministry for ages 6-11. This flexible curriculum guides younger and older children through several weeks of biblical themes and topics. Kids will learn that God has a plan for their life, who Jonah is, and how to take care of God’s green earth.

The program places a strong emphasis on making God’s truths known by memorization of Scripture, Bible discovery and learning activities.Good News Bears Club develops spiritual growth in the children. You will learn to discern what their needs are and to develop their God-given potential of ministry to each other. As the children experience Christ’s love, they will, in turn, want to share it with others.Each lesson walks educators through the four “BEAR” steps:

  • Begin
  • Educate
  • Activity
  • Rap-it-Up
This versatile ministry can be used during:

  • Sunday morning or evening
  • Midweek services
  • An after-school program
  • Community outreach

All programs are fully reproducible and available for use at all Foursquare churches. Download as many as you would like, and watch the Bible come alive for your youngest church members.

Looking for Good News Bear for kids ages 3-5? Click here.

Becoming God's Child

What being a Christian is all about and the transformation that takes place in our lives as we become God's child.


Blessings from God

Help children know that they are a blessing from God and understand that God will take care of their needs and bless them.


Caring for God's Earth

Learning awareness and respect for God's earth and some positive ways that we can do our part.


Christmas Is...

Christmas is more than gifts and decorations, it is the celebration of Jesus' birth.


Crucifixion and Resurrection

Understanding the crucifixion of Jesus, the Son of God, and helping the children relate in a way they can understand.


Daniel's Choice

The benefit of making right choices with an emphasis on choosing God's way of doing things.


Dealing with Disobedience

Disobedience is sin. Aall have sinned, but can be forgiven. God wants to have a relationship with us.


Divine Healing

God is the divine healer. The miracle of healing is still avaliable today.


Everything God Made is Good

Help children understand that God made all animals, and to help them learn to respect and love God's creatures.


Follow the Lord

When we obey and follow Jesus, we can be sure that we are in His care.


Forever Friends

What a "friend" is and how important each one is. Recognize ways to show true friendship.


Freedom Festival

Celebrating the freedom we have as Americans; but even more so, the freedom we have as Christians.


God's Got a Plan for Your Life

God will direct each of our lives when we surrender to Him.


God's Thoughts of You

Help children understand that Satan is a liar and understand how God views them.


Good Choices in Jesus

How to make good choices and how to evaluate daily situations.


Good Manners

The importance of good manners and showing others God's love.


Handicap Awareness

Help children understand how physical handicaps affect people and learn how to minister to the handicapped.


Have a Very Beary Christmas by Giving

Provide an opportunity for the club member to give of themselvelves during the Christmas season.


Heavenly Treasures

Our reward in heaven is so much better than the greatest prize on earth.


I am Special

Help children know they are special and unique.


God's Love

There are several ways that we can care for one another and show God's love by doing what He asks us to do.


God's Promises

God always keeps His word to us, and He cares about each individual.


Jesus Heals Two Blind Men

Understand blindness and an example of divine healing.


Learning to Express Thanks to God

We should be thankful to God for everything.


Missions Bridging the Gap

God loves people of all race, character, qualities and attitudes. Help children relate to another culture, especially as it applies to missions outreach.


Missions Calling All Children to Global Prayer

Train children to pray effectively for the salvation of the nations.


Missions: Understanding Others

Begin an interest in reaching out to people in another country.


Our Heavenly Home

What the Bible says and what we believe about heaven, our eternal home.


Pray Without Ceasing

Scripture instructs us to maintain an attitude of prayer.



Learn how to pray.



The plan of salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and what it means to repent, and be born again.


Special Activity Cool Night

Students participate in a series of "Cool" games and activities. Works great with the Polar Bear Class or during a summer heat wave.


The Armor of God

We can all be "victors" in Jesus.


The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a promise from God, and the Holy Spirit will give power in your life.


The Great Commission

Jesus' commandment to reach others with His love.


The Meaning of Communion

The grape juice and bread used in Holy Communion are used as symbols of the body and blood of Jesus. Jesus died for our sins but He is alive today.


The Multi-Colored Coat

Envy can damage people and relationships.


Video and Popcorn Club

Develop leader/student relationships in a relaxed and fun atmosphere.


Water Baptism

Water baptism represents death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.


What We Believe

The relationship between the name "foursquare" and the four-fold ministry of Jesus Christ in the church today.


Who Is The Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is a part of God and is here to help us.


Who Am I?

Encourage children to become all that God has intended them to be.


Wonderfully Made

We are special and unique.


Wordless Pompoms and Pizza Party

Teach children the salvation message and how to share that message with others.



Worship and praise is not just for adults; it is for children as well.


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