Shavonne Lang

Three specialists confirmed that surgery was inevitable. There was no getting around the fact. I had not even finished my radiation treatment for cancer in the breast and arm. Now, they had confirmed a new tumor in my kidney. I was shaken to the core. Heartbroken.

At 47 years old, I thought about my mother’s death at the same age, in part due to kidney disease. I did not want to believe the latest prognosis and, at first, simply denied that it was happening to me. The pain was so severe, I could not get out of bed and function through the day.

Sitting in my prayer closet, I poured out my heart to the Lord. I was reminded of Matthew 17:20, that says all we need is the faith of a tiny mustard seed to see miracles happen. So, I prayed. “God, please just take this away!” It was the simplest prayer, full of every ounce of faith I had left.

The day before my appointment with the surgeon, I was at my church, Restoration Church (Huntsville Foursquare Church) in Madison, Ala. First Lady Miss Ruth and a prayer warrior named Lorraine prayed for my healing. I was convinced God had answered their prayers.

As I drove to the appointment, my husband called. He was trying to encourage me by sharing alternatives to surgery. At that moment, I was convinced Jesus had healed me, and I really did not want to hear anything about an operation or alternative treatments. I was healed.

All of my doctors knew that I used my phone to record our appointments. I did not want to forget anything a doctor told me to do, and a recording of our discussions helped me. The appointment that day with my surgeon was definitely a conversation I am glad I have recorded. I play it often and share it with others.

“Hi. You feeling OK? Good to see you,” the doctor began. “I was looking at your CAT scan. Um … I didn’t take out that tumor in your kidney. Or, did I?”

“No,” I said.

“OK. It’s out,” the doctor replied. “Somebody took it out. Did they do that at Vanderbilt?”

“Uh, my kidney?”


“God did it. No, it has not been removed.”

“Do they …? What happened to it?”

“It’s gone?” I wanted to know, hoping, but still looking for confirmation.

“It looks like it.”

“It’s gone,” I repeated, now a statement and not a question.

“You didn’t have surgery?” The doctor still could not believe his eyes.


The doctor said only a divot was left behind in my kidney where the tumor had been.

I have experienced the victory of God’s healing power, and that makes me want to pray that others will be healed, too.

As I walked out the door with the weight of the world lifted from my shoulders, I whispered, “Praise God!” Driving home, I kept repeating: “To God be the glory. No surgery. Praise You, Jesus!”

My oncologist later confirmed the miracle. The tumor was gone. Only a slight divot remained in my kidney, living proof that God performs surgery.

Throughout my life, I have experienced the kindness of God. My name means “gracious favor,” and my middle name, Nicole, means “victory.”

This miracle is the best gracious favor yet. I have experienced the victory of God’s healing power, and that makes me want to pray that others will be healed, too. I know He can do it. Because God healed me.

To see more from Connection 2019, click here.

attends Restoration Church (Huntsville Foursquare Church) in Madison, Ala.


  1. Praise God and looking for confirmation that same miracle has occurred with my gallbladder.

    1. Please Pray for me to be healed of what started like hemorrhage complications since April up to now, for perfect and total healing!

      Bako Dogari

      1. Be healed in Jesus name. Remember to testify of His greatness and goodness. He is the same always.

  2. Praise God, the Lord is good. Jesus Christ the great physician is alive working miracles everyday.

  3. Praise His Name that He indeed is the great I AM..and not great I WAS! Praise You, Jehovah Rapha!!

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