God is closing the curtain on some things in our lives, like a divine intermission in the midst of a pandemic.

For an audience, during intermission the curtains close, the lights come up, and viewers—often disoriented—are transported back from the world in which they had been immersed. Though it’s an interruption in the flow of a story, it is a pause laden with purpose. It’s not the end of the story, but the beginning of something new.

Backstage, everything is changing. Costuming is cast off, people are put in place, and set pieces are moved around. Scenes and actors are being transformed from what was, and the stage is set for what is to come.

During such times, we are exhorted to actively surrender, persevere with endurance and fixate on the sovereignty of God (Heb. 12:1-3, NKJV). Behind the scenes—in places we cannot see—He is working on our behalf. How we respond to this (and every other) interruption in life directly impacts our experience.

When the curtain rolls back, all will be different, all will be clear, and the time will be redeemed.

Prayer + Reflection

  1. Prayerfully assess how God may be calling you to prepare, during this divine intermission, for what is to come.
  2. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal anything that may be hindering or entangling you that needs to be cast off or laid aside, and for the determined strength to do so.
  3. Pray for a renewed vision of the joy and promises set before you and for His direction on readying yourself to receive.
  4. Thank God that our time is never wasted when we are following Him—even as we may be isolated or unable to gather during the pandemic. Trust the Lord, lean on His understanding, and ask Him, each day, to direct your path (Prov. 3:5-6).

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