I never expected to walk back into high school at age 21. I look young; I could pass for 17. It’s kind of a bummer sometimes, but it helps, too.

The first day I walked on campus to start to reach out to students, I was so nervous telling high schoolers, “Hey, come to Jesus Club.” Students responded with: “Jesus Club? What’s that?”

Every high school probably has a Bible club, so I asked students in the youth group at The Rock (Anaheim Foursquare Church) in Anaheim, Calif., where I’m a youth leader, if I could visit their club. They said sure and filled out a form with the school to have me as guest speakers. This allowed me to legally enter the school during lunch period.

But no one knew me in the first club meeting, and I knew I had to be raw with them. High schoolers can smell fake a mile away. God is real, though, and the gospel is power. I know because once, not so very long ago, I was just like them.

The first time I heard God speak, He said, “Nicole, I want you to speak to youth as a youth.” This was His purpose for me, to go after this generation where I had also been lost, insecure and bound.

More than anything, I want young people to see that you don’t need to be 40 years old or know everything for God to use you. He wants to use you now.

If you ask high schoolers what they really want, most will say, “To make an impact on this world.” The idea that they might fail, that they might end up being a disappointment, is crushing.

The majority of students in Jesus Club have maybe stepped into church once or twice. I tell them: “Hey, it doesn’t matter what religion you are. We’re talking about Jesus today.” We call our club Jesus Club so that it opens the doors to everyone, not just Christians, and gets students asking, “Who the heck is this Jesus guy?”

Another common questions I get is, “Nicole, what’s the Bible?” John 3:16 is on every athlete’s Twitter bio, but a lot of students don’t know what Luke 5:2 (or any other biblical passage) is.

Other questions, such as “Why is there sin?” or “How do I pray?” are really common. So, I helped to develop a discipleship club to address these questions for students who want more than Jesus Club can offer in a 30-minute lunch period but who aren’t in youth group or attending a church yet. We focus on equipping them, showing them how to read the Bible and how to pray.

More than anything, I want young people to see that you don’t need to be 40 years old or know everything for God to use you. He wants to use you now.

The best moment is seeing the truth hit their hearts that God isn’t mad at them, and that He has a purpose for them. Suddenly their eyes just light up with hope. Now they don’t have to be scared of the future.