Don Richardson’s book, Peace Child, tells of a story he and his wife, Carol, heard while serving among three Sawi tribes of Irian Jaya: the Haenam, Kamur and Yawi peoples.

Two warring tribes seeking peace presented to one another a “peace child.” Kaiyo, a tribal leader, handed over his only baby son to the Haenam tribe, saying, “I give you my son, and with him my name.” Haeman’s leader said: “It is enough! I will surely plead for peace between us.” A father from the Haenam tribe held up one of his sons and said to Kaiyo, “If you plead peace among your people, I give you my son and my name.”

“Why was this necessary for peace?” Don asked. The reply was stunning: “It is impossible to have peace without a peace child. Our villages will guard these children even more carefully than their own. So long as the peace child lives, there will be peace among warring tribes.”

God’s peace child is Jesus. The Prince of Peace provides us the promise of peace among warring tribes and factions wherever they are found today. Where Jesus is honored and received, He puts to death opposition and hostility so there can be peace among all peoples!

Video: Jesus Our Peace

Because we believe God is the same yesterday, today and forever, Jesus’s promise of peace is for us in every generation. It transcends any circumstance, comforts us, and can change us forever.

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Watch Jim Scott’s video.

Prayer Points

  • Pray for friends and family, that they will be brought near by the blood of Christ and discover that He is their peace who will bring them peace both personally and with others.
  • Pray for families, that His peace will be consistently experienced so our homes would be places of peace.
  • Pray for our communities, that those captured by racism, bigotry, hatred, anger and violence will be healed by the blood of Jesus, so that they all may come together in peace.
  • Pray for the peoples of our nation and our world, that the walls of separation would be broken down, thus making peace where before there was war and strife.

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