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Called to action. These three words summarize the third day at Connection 2011. Ihsan Ozbek, Foursquare national leader of Turkey, opened the day with prayer; and the story of the “handing of the pastoral baton” from one generation to another was illustrated in a new video about the transition from former Senior Pastor Alan Eastland to current Senior Pastor Peter Henderson at Living Way Fellowship (Littleton Foursquare Church) in Highlands Ranch, Colo.

Church planter and LifeWay Research President Ed Stetzer reminded the convention body via I Peter 4:10 that “we need to empower people to use their gifts for the glory of God and His purposes.” The session also gave opportunity to honor a number of ministers who had demonstrated faithfulness and dedication through their achievement of 50 and 60 years of service.

For the first time, convention attendees enjoyed the opportunity to participate in collaborative learning tracks grouped according to three categories: NextGen Leaders, ForeRunners, and Advancing Leadership, which gathered groups based on church size.

The Wednesday evening session also marked a call to action, starting with an entertaining rap performance by the teen and tween children of convention attendees. Other highlights of the evening included a celebration of Foursquare Missions Press’ 30th anniversary; the video story of how Yakima Foursquare Church in Yakima, Wash., gave its building away to a sister congregation at a very reduced price; and a beautiful vocal performance of “No More Night” by GRAMMY-nominated recording artist and pastor Lizza Lamb, who serves as assisting minister at La Vida (Angleton Hispanic Foursquare Church) in Angleton, Texas.

Then came another challenge: Pastor Rick Bezet of New Life Church in Conway, Ark., told the convention body, “It’s Your Move!” Using Hebrews 10:19-25 as his text, he reminded listeners, of four things: “It’s your move to approach God with confidence; it’s your move to dream confidently; it’s your move to have a confidence in your approach toward others; and it’s your move to be sincere in your approach to God.”


General Supervisor Tammy Dunahoo concluded the service with a powerful call for prayer for church planters, including those who recently have planted and those who have heard a call to plant, as well as for pastors of churches who have been called to birth daughter congregations.

All of this week’s sessions on CD and DVD, as well as bonus material, including this year’s story DVDs, are available in the Foursquare 2011 Experience Kit for $149. Additional items, including individual sessions, are also available for purchase online.

Read More About Connection 2011

By: Beth Mead, a Foursquare credentialed minister who serves in the National Church Office