Isaiah 53 tells us that Jesus did the work, suffering for our future healing, and we receive that blessing.

The fullness of our faith rests in accepting that healing—healing of spirit, soul, mind and body—that Jesus Christ purchased for you and me on the cross.

We believe the parts of the Bible that we practice. Lay aside the past and any questions or doubts you may have that God can heal and transform even the most desperate situation. He has already purchased our healing by His ultimate sacrifice at Golgotha. We need to accept this truth and believe, praying with faith and encouraging all those we meet.

This year I challenge you to contend anew to see the Holy Spirit released in your ministry and the lives of those you lead. Take every occasion, every circumstance—no matter how big or small—to invite God, in the name of Jesus, to release afresh the Holy Spirit’s healing power.

Video: Jesus, Our Healer

Jesus is our Healer of body, soul, spirit and mind. Pray that the power of the healing that comes through the name of Jesus will be ours in this season for our loved ones, the body of Christ and the nations.

[vimeo 245106392 w=640 h=360]
Watch Dan Lucero’s video.

Prayer Points

  • Pray for healing of the body, soul, strength and mind of Foursquare ministers worldwide.
  • Pray for a renewal of faith in the hearts of the people in our churches to contend for the promise of physical healing for those in need.
  • Pray that The Foursquare Church would be a source of healing to the body of Christ.
  • Pray that our Foursquare family would faithfully bring the message of Christ as a healing balm to all nations and peoples the world over.

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