I gather with my Foursquare family to seek God’s will. Yet, knowing His will is not enough, I must linger in His presence to gain a heart of wisdom to do His will.

I know God wants to transform me and the world around me. But I do not know how. I need wisdom. God has made me dependent upon the body of Christ. I need someone to speak words of wisdom to me.

My mind is often agitated with thoughts, imaginations, arguments and fears. I need a word of wisdom spoken into the chaos and confusion of my soul. This utterance reveals a flash of insight from the Holy Spirit, the grace and presence of Jesus Christ. It is a sure word, an authentic utterance from the throne of grace, to ready my mind, strengthen my hands, steady my knees and direct my feet.

Speak, Holy Spirit, through your people.

Video: Spirit of Wisdom

Our prayer is that Jesus Christ will fill us with a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. Let us be a church that can speak words of wisdom into the chaos and confusion of people’s hearts and minds, freeing them to live the life God has purposed for them.

[vimeo 245413043 w=640 h=360]
Watch Jeff Roper’s video.

Prayer Points

  • As a family, let us contend in prayer to be people who operate in the word of wisdom that liberates and empowers the soul.
  • Pray that we humble ourselves to hear the words of wisdom spoken into our lives.
  • Pray we speak up when it is the right time.
  • Pray we, The Foursquare Church, are marked by the wisdom of God.

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