Today’s Scripture

Additional Scripture

Reflect on the Word

Goldsmithing is a fascinating craft. Beautiful jewelry, exquisite coins, breathtaking architecture—they all point back to a maker. When you see gold in its raw state, you may wonder how it makes such a radical transformation. At first it is rough and unrefined, full of impurities. The addition of fire causes it to make a metamorphosis to smooth and intricate, full of value.

What a beautiful illustration by the Master Craftsman. God Himself is the All-Consuming Fire, and His Spirit is the one who baptizes with fire, melting away the stony, sinful impurities in our hearts, so that we become soft and pliable in His hands. And after all that is insignificant is consumed and separated, what remains is our character, the fruit of His labor and the work of His hands. Revival fire starts in us.

Prayer + Contemplation