Today’s Scripture

Additional Scripture

Reflect on the Word

The story is told of a critical person who approached Methodism founder John Wesley at a church service, saying, “My talent is to speak my mind.” Wesley allegedly replied: “That’s one talent that the Lord would not care a bit if you buried!”

Humorous as it is, there is nothing funny about the unwholesome and unconstructive talk that so often comes out of our mouths. We are exhorted to get rid of bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, slander and malice. That’s a good start; however, it doesn’t end there.

We must then replace it with that which is much better: kindness, compassion, forgiveness and love. This transformative process is a work of the Spirit. Our appropriate response to the work of the Spirit is repentance, and the bearing of spiritual fruit in keeping with that repentance.

Prayer + Contemplation