The world is moving in on itself. Borders are being crossed, and entire nations are being scattered.
Cross-cultural marriages and international businesses are filling our cities and villages with diversity that was not there before. Multicultural and blended families are becoming more commonplace, and the majority of the world is multilingual.
As the hands and feet of Jesus, we are called and commanded to open our arms to all people, just as Christ stretched His arms wide open on the cross. Our hearts must be open to loving the person in front of us. Our hands always ready to serve every tribe and tongue. Our homes should be equipped to minister the gospel to our communities with the love of the Savior, even when we don’t share the same skin color or primary language.
Are we sharing the love of God with neighbors, nations and generations, wherever the Lord has planted our feet? How will they see the Savior, unless they see Him through us?
“Look to Me, and be saved, all you ends of the Earth! For I am God, and there is no other” (Isa. 45:22, NKJV).
Prayer + Reflection
- Open Heart – Pray that the desires of your heart would reflect the heart of Father God, which is that all people would know His love.
- Open Hands – Ask God for His leading as you seek to serve your community and city generously, lovingly and effectively.
- Open Home – Pray over your home and be led by the Holy Spirit as you become a friend of sinners, as Jesus was, wherever you are.