Today’s Scripture

Additional Scripture

Reflect on the Word

This world can appear dark, lonely and fearful. We long for the light and beauty of eternity God is preparing for us. Imagine this world as a womb. When a baby is connected through the umbilical cord to their mother, it is nourished, receiving all it needs to grow healthy. When we are connected to God, being “rooted” in Him (Col. 2:7), we have all we need to grow in health.

Hear God’s voice saying: “You are never alone in the dark womb of this world. Stay connected to Me, and you will receive all you need to grow fully in Me. Listen, and you will know My voice. Once you grow into all you are created to become, you will be birthed into My presence, seeing Me face to face, where there will no longer be any barriers between us.”

He is speaking—do you hear it? We will grow increasingly in His discernment and revelation as we attune our ears to hear and surrender in obedience to Him.

Prayer + Contemplation