“Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, ‘Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!’” (Mark 9:24, NKJV)
Paul is a Vietnam War veteran who had given his life to Christ and suddenly found himself fighting aggressive, end-stage lung cancer. He was given a 16 percent chance of living, even if he chose aggressive immunotherapy combined with chemo.
We prayed a scary prayer that Sunday—we simply asked that God would heal Paul completely. We had some faith, but we asked God to help our lack of faith (Mark 9:24).
The very next day, his tests showed Paul’s sizable tumor had shrunk, just like that. Over several weeks, the tumor disappeared, so completely, in fact, that the next test showed that new tissue had miraculously grown in its place, leaving no scar tissue at all. What a testimony to Paul’s unbelieving doctor!
We need the “all-mighty” power of God in action, not our own weak, impotent faith. The God of miracles is healing today. He’s just asking us to step out with whatever faith we have, and He’ll use it.
Prayer + Reflection
1. Ask “all-mighty” God for more opportunities to pray scary, faith-building prayers.
2. Ask God to meet your faith where it is and to help it grow.
3. Father God, please never let me take credit for what You alone can do.