Today’s Scripture

Additional Scripture

Reflect on the Word

One of our Foursquare Creed’s statements is a concept that our founder, Sister Aimee Semple McPherson, often shared: “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” As a church, we must be united in the essentials. While we make room for and celebrate our diversity, we must also stand firmly on what we know matters most.

John 13:35 tells us the world will know we are Jesus’ disciples by our love for one another. How well do we love? How obvious is that love for one another? Do we, as co-laborers in Christ, love out loud? Do we stand together?

We must be intentional. We must be committed. We must make every effort to pursue oneness. A unified church is founded on the hope of Jesus, bound together by love and united in the Holy Spirit through the bond of peace.

Prayer + Contemplation