Today’s Scripture

Additional Scripture

Reflect on the Word

We all have experienced opportunities to fear. Maybe you’ve been faced with seemingly impossible situations, and have had to make what feels like impossible decisions. Maybe you’ve felt paralyzed with fear and anxiety. If not for the matchless blood of Jesus, we’d be stuck in that place: overcome and overwhelmed by fear.

We can be deeply grateful for His Holy Spirit, living in us, giving us power, love and self-control. His gift of self-control is what empowers us to take all those thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ.

God has not given His people a spirit of fear; He has given us power. And with every test and every trial, we grow in power, our courage is strengthened, and our impact increases.

As His people, we have a vital assignment to boldly shine the light of Jesus. We are called to live empowered lives, emboldened by His Spirit.

A fearful church is an ineffective church. We are meant to be effective. We are made to be courageous.

Prayer + Contemplation