Today’s Scripture

Additional Scripture

Reflect on the Word

What makes our places of worship sacred? What’s so special about gathering in a sanctuary or living room or coffee shop or school cafeteria? Where’s the value? Is it the place? Is it the people? The value of our worship gatherings is found in the One whom we gather to worship.

The church is the very presence of Jesus in a people. This means we, the church, are not just a group of people with common beliefs. We don’t just meet once a week because we enjoy the same style of preaching or the same worship songs. We are spiritually united by the presence of Jesus in our lives and in our midst when two or three of us gather in His name.

Together, we are “living stones” being built into a spiritual house—a house  that is not a sanctuary, coffee shop, living room or cafeteria. In this spiritual house Immanuel, God with us, dwells.

Prayer + Contemplation