Today’s Scripture

Additional Scripture

Reflect on the Word

Jesus always demonstrated His kindness and care for the countless broken and hurting. That same love and compassion that flowed from the heart and hands of Jesus continues to cover the earth today. No matter what the need, Jesus is willing and waiting to be involved. He is never too busy running the universe that He won’t immediately flood your life with His presence and touch. Anyone who reaches toward heaven will find peace, power and sometimes unexplainable joy, even during some of the greatest trials in life. 

People have personally witnessed blind eyes, deaf ears and everything in between being miraculously touched by the power of the Holy Spirit. He is and will always be the God who loves bringing life to His people. Whatever you might be facing, trust that the same Jesus who cared for those hungry, hurting, bound, infirmed and hopeless will be the answer and bring calm to every storm in life.

Prayer + Contemplation