Today’s Scripture

Additional Scripture

Reflect on the Word

Every daughter and son of God, each member of Christ’s body, has been given spiritual enabling that grants us access to understanding and power beyond our own. These gifts are not personality traits or talents; they can’t be found in anyone’s toolbox. Instead, they come from above.

Though generally referred to as “spiritual gifts,” these capacities to function supernaturally include more than one category of spirituals (gifts and ministries) and different ways in which they work (activities). For instance, the gift of prophecy isn’t the same as the ministry of a prophet, and some prophecies console while others announce the future.

Over time we grow more sensitive to the Spirit’s prompting to exercise a gift and function in our ministry. And we learn to cooperate more fully with the Holy Spirit, speaking words He gives us to share and taking actions He bids us do.

That partnership produces miraculous results in others’ lives—and that’s why Paul encourages us to seek spiritual gifts so earnestly (1 Cor. 12:31, 14:1,12).

Prayer + Contemplation

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More on Spiritual Gifts

From Pastor Daniel Brown

“The Word of God is a book that talks to us over and over and over again,” says Daniel A. Brown, Ph.D., in this video from Foursquare Connection 2018. As a pastor, teacher and founder of Commended to the Word, Daniel has taught and trained leaders all over the world to walk in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.