The work of evangelism is sharing the Good News of Jesus, namely what God has accomplished on our behalf through His Son.

The gospel is not our attempts to modify people’s behavior by prescribing our ethics or traditions as a way to improve their lives. We point to what God has done in Christ, and call people to respond in faith and repentance.

We share the gospel in word, deed and presence. The gospel is a message, but it’s also proclaimed in our love for the poor, through the Spirit’s power and by everyday, neighborly presence with others.

It is the privilege of every follower of Jesus to do the work of evangelism as we preach the whole gospel to the whole world. During this season of seeking God, may we be grounded in the gospel afresh, and may that fuel us to proclaim the Good News.

Prayer + Reflection

  • During this season of fasting and prayer, how is the gospel message renewing and anchoring your passion for Christ?
  • Toward what aspect of the gospel (word, deed, presence) do you feel stirred?
  • To what people group, region or sinful brokenness in our world are you sensing a call to preach the gospel?