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Recently, I was considering our Connection 2014 theme, “Multiply.” I was reminded of a conversation I had with my life coach that has become one of my most significant ever.
It was more than a year ago, and she was helping me dream big. I had described 10 dreams as part of a coaching assignment, and one of those dreams was to plant two more churches in Niger, a Sub-Saharan Francophone nation in West Africa. Our district already had one church plant that God literally left on our Mid-Atlantic doorstep, and my dream was to plant two more.
Lyn, my coach, wisely asked me, “Do you think you can plant two more churches?” I responded enthusiastically in the affirmative. She then said, “If you can do it, tell me how it qualifies as a dream.”
Challenged by her statement, I impulsively set a goal of 10 new churches! However, what I thought of as impulsiveness was obviously God-ordained. Nine months later, our 11-member team returned to Niger, and God blessed our efforts by allowing us to establish 17 new plants! You can imagine the stories behind that trip. Those churches are thriving today under the visionary leadership of a young African pastor.
Isaiah 2:2-3 is a beautiful passage that reflects far more than my simple dream for two churches. The nations will say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; that He may teach us His ways” (v.3, NRSV).
All nations will come like a flowing stream. They will flow to the Lord Jesus Christ and to His goodness. He will teach us, and we will want more. No one teaches like He does. Imagine the hunger we will have for more and more and more.
I pray that “Multiply” will become a “big dream” for our Foursquare family, bigger than what we can do. Knowing what you can do naturally with the gifts God has given you is one thing. Knowing what qualifies as a dream that only He can do is on another level.
We are currently praying for 50 more church plants in Niger. I can hardly wait to be taught together with that part of our family at the mountain of the Lord. See you there!
By: Harriet Mouer, recently retired supervisor of the Mid-Atlantic district of The Foursquare Church