Dan Lucero, Foursquare Missions International (FMI) area missionary to West and Central Africa and Francophone nations, had a passion for the international world from the very beginning.
He hitchhiked around the globe, embracing peoples but not yet knowing the adventure God had in store for his life. In Spain, he had an encounter with God that changed him and gave him a deep passion for sharing the gospel with others. Dan joined a nondenominational community in Spain, and that is where he met Martine, who became his wife.
After Spain, the Luceros’ next stop was an Islamic nation where they experienced great challenges and joys integrating God’s love into a closed nation. However, the Gulf War forced them to leave, and they returned to Virginia, Dan’s childhood home. Dan and Martine began looking for a church right away.
“There was a Bible college affiliated with Foursquare right down the road in Christiansburg,” Dan recalls, “and I attended a chapel service there while doing my graduate studies at Virginia Tech.”
Dan enrolled at the Bible college—Life Bible College East—where he met Sterling Brackett, then president of Life East, who welcomed him and Martine into the Foursquare family. Sterling, who serves today as Corporate Secretary and Vice President of The Foursquare Church, also deeply encouraged their vision for missions abroad.
“This opened my eyes to the wonderful Foursquare church family. My heart was for unreached places not open to traditional sharing,” Dan explains. “Sterling was very instrumental in helping us vocalize our vision. We had a lot of experience in sacrifice and commitment, but we were missing the family relationship, and Foursquare provided that. It is one of our movement’s deepest values.”
Dan, Martine and their family have held tightly to that Foursquare family relationship. Today, Dan serves with Foursquare Missions International as the area missionary to West and Central Africa, and Francophone nations. He also disciples leaders and develops church planters as the first elected national leader of The Foursquare Church in France.
Reflecting on their years with Foursquare, and recalling the friendships that he and Martine have enjoyed, Dan says: “It’s our call to live in community. Foursquare is a broad spectrum of peoples the world over; you will always find people with whom you can relate. Our best days are ahead of us because of our diversity. Being an international leader, I’m working to make sure it flourishes, and I hope everyone finds a place.”