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On Nov. 15, 2007 Cyclone Sidr, with winds of up to 155 mph, devastated southern Bangladesh. This disaster is the worst seen in the nation since 1991 and to date has claimed the lives of more than 3,500 people. Benjamin Mondal, Foursquare national leader of Bangladesh, reports that roughly 80 percent of the Foursquare families have been adversely affected by the cyclone.
The storm caused the loss of many necessities including: homes, crops, livestock and church buildings. Approximately four million people have been displaced and survivors are now struggling to find shelter, food and treatment. Foursquare leaders in Bangladesh have begun relief efforts, but according to Tom Hinton, Foursquare Missions global response coordinator, more assistance is needed.
When asked how the U.S. church can respond, Tom Hinton said, “Prayer is needed for the Foursquare church in Bangladesh as they courageously respond to the needs of people there. Pray that God will give them strategy and empowerment of the Holy Spirit as they literally give their lives to save others.”
Hinton also expressed an urgent need for doctors, nurses and support personnel to travel to Bangladesh and aid in the relief efforts. If you are interested in being part of a team and have the finances to pay for the trip, please call 213.989.4320 immediately.
If you would like to give financially to help purchase medicine, food, blankets, etc. for the upcoming trip, please send contributions to Foursquare Missions International. Make your check out to ICFG, and write Relief Fund on the memo line. Mail checks to:
Foursquare Missions
ATTN: Paulette McCammon
P.O. Box 26902
Los Angeles, CA 90026
If you have any questions, please contact Tom Hinton, global response coordinator, at 213.989.4320.