This article is archived. Some links and details throughout the article may no longer be active or accurate.

Our 2008 convention—“The Unchanging Christ and the Unshakable Kingdom”—is just around the corner! We will gather May 26-29 in Houston, and we are looking forward to a great time of worship, fellowship and inspiration.

This is the second in a Foursquare News Service series that is designed to prepare you for a number of significant and positive adjustments in convention procedure. The first FNS (April 4, 2008) informed you of the changes in voting procedures; it also explained the importance of retaining the ballots you received if you preregistered, reminding you that lost ballots cannot be replaced. The third in the FNS series will be sent out on May 2, and will explain in detail the format that will be followed to conduct convention business. One thing that will facilitate the conduct of the business sessions is for voting delegates to familiarize themselves with the information in advance, and there is now an online resource to allow you to do that.

The convention business website is now available online here.

The agenda for the 2008 convention business sessions includes supporting materials for presentations as well as e-mail links to each presenter so that you can direct comments and questions to each one. We hope that the interactive nature of the website will ensure that your questions and concerns are addressed before we gather in Houston. However, time has already been provided in the convention schedule for discussion and clarification as necessary.

Please take time to visit this website and begin to prepare yourself for a wonderful time together in Houston. We look forward to seeing you there!