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While the world’s eyes have been trained on the Middle East recently, its history and prophetic significance calls all of us to be on alert and serves as a gentle reminder of the confidence we have in God’s plan and of our responsibilities to pray!

Daniel (as an old man) discovered the prophesies of Jeremiah (a promised return for Israel from Babylon) and set himself to pray and fast for the fulfillment of that word (see Daniel 9:2-3). He interceded on behalf of Israel. He repented for the past sins of kings and princes and cried out to God for mercy!

Sometimes it’s much easier to be an observer than a participant. We generally use those terms to describe the people we minister to. While reading the newspaper, watching television and even in casual conversation, it’s tempting to discuss the current crisis, analyze it, debate it and even attempt to interpret it in light of the Scripture. None of those things are wrong, but it seems inadequate, almost like the “Monday Morning” quarterback.

Like Daniel, our real role is to contend for God’s will to be done, for His kingdom to come and reign “on earth” as it is “in heaven.” Of course that starts with allowing Him to reign in me! Let’s join together in a renewed season to pray, fast, repent and call upon God. He promised to respond to the “cry” of His people. He answered Daniel’s prayer—why wouldn’t He answer ours?

By: Glenn Burris Jr., general supervisor