This article is archived. Some links and details throughout the article may no longer be active or accurate.

Have you ever been in a thunderstorm and had the power go off? It’s one thing if it’s in the middle of the day, but quite another if it occurs during the night. We’re so used to things running by power that it immediately becomes a nuisance.

Darkness is a condition that signifies the absence of light. In a storm when the power goes out, we can substitute our electrical lights with candles or flashlights. But they are only temporary.

Since the beginning of time, there has always been a stark contrast between darkness and light. The very first recorded command in the Bible was when God spoke light into existence. His presence and power demand that darkness be addressed. In this scenario, God didn’t curse the darkness, but He spoke light into being.

We live in an age where darkness is raging on many fronts. The temptation is to be reactionary and lead in ways that actually compound the darkness and bring even more confusion. In their new book, Good Faith, David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons say that two out of every five Americans believe that, when it comes to what happens in the country today, “people of faith” (42 percent) and “religion” (46 percent) are part of the problem, rejecting the idea that religious individuals could be part of the solution.

In Jesus’ first sermon to a public crowd, He exhorted them to let their light shine so that others would see their good works and glorify God. To put things in proper perspective, God is the light, and we have been called to reflect it. In doing so, we become reflectors of this antidote to the darkness in the world around us.

The church was in God’s view from the beginning. He has called us to be light in this darkness. And He has empowered us by His Spirit. We are not left with flashlights and candles of our own making. He has equipped us and exhorted us to be His answer to our enemies’ attempt at squelching the light.

We are gathering in Honolulu as a Foursquare family from May 30–June 2 for Foursquare Connection 2016. We will come together at this event to worship, pray, fellowship and hear the Word. We will be exhorted, encouraged and challenged. And my prayer for these days is that we will experience a fresh new dimension of His power to dismantle the works of the enemy of our soul and be equipped to do the following:

  • Intentionally engage our culture
  • Compassionately transform our communities
  • Fearlessly embrace our future
  • Boldly penetrate the darkness

On Wednesday evening, after the evening session, I have felt strongly compelled by the Lord to have a commissioning service. I believe we are to contend for a Holy Spirit impartation to leave Hawaii with an empowerment from on high. Just as Jesus sent His disciples out with authority, I believe we will leave with a fresh anointing resting on our movement, not just nationally, but globally.

Pray with us as we travel to come together in Hawaii. Pray for a time of refreshing: body, soul and spirit. Pray for safe travels. Pray for our local ministries while we are away to flourish in Jesus’ name. Pray for our speakers and worship leaders to have an effective ministry among us. Pray for our volunteers as they prepare to serve.

Pray for the state of Hawaii, that our Foursquare family will leave a godly blessing. Pray for a new hunger for the things of God. And pray, above all things, that we will hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.

Aloha! See you in paradise!